St. Charles / St. Peters Store
3909 Mid Rivers Mall Drive
St. Peters, MO 63376
Phone: (636) 926-2000

Monday - Friday: 8-4:30
Saturday 10-2

St. Louis Hardwood, Woodworking, & Lumber Stores | St. Charles HardwoodsSt. Louis Lumber Store | St. Charles Hardwoods

Custom Wooden Dowels

There are a lot of applications in woodworking that call for custom wooden dowels. Wooden dowels -- the small wood rods used for joining, support, and many other uses -- offer a lot of advantages over other methods. Most commonly, wooden dowels are used to join pieces of wood without creating a visible joint.

For a long time, dowels have been used in this way for cabinetry and furniture as well as many other woodworking applications. Thankfully, wooden dowels are widely available, and are offered in all sorts of shapes, sizes, and materials. To learn more, contact your hardwood lumber company, St. Charles Hardwoods, today and ask about our selection of dowels in stock as well as custom dowel options.

Why Use Wooden Dowels

The big advantage to using dowels for joining and other applications is that they make for seamless joints and a very smooth finished look. Don�t let the look deceive you though, wooden dowels are plenty strong. In fact, using wood -- with its long and strong fibers -- can help joints stand up to stress, and dowel joints are a lot stronger than joining parts with wood glue alone.

In addition to all this, wooden dowels are relatively simple to use and can be used effectively by woodworkers of varying skill levels. Even for very skilled woodworkers this ease can reduce time on a project and wooden dowels are a relatively cost-sensitive option as well. All in all, there are few reasons to use other methods over dowels.

Expert Consultation for Custom Wooden Dowels

While you can find wooden dowels fairly easily at any wood working supplier, only at St. Charles Hardwoods can you find such a wide variety of dowel options including custom cuts for your specific needs. You can control everything from finish and paint, to size and more. We can make dowels with pointed, drilled, ferruled, tenoned, beveled, and tapered ends and we can also offer custom shaft styles in any diameter. Or, if you need something more basic, just select from our large collection of standard sized dowels, which are quality made and available in many species of wood.

Plus, our helpful and knowledgeable staff will be on hand to help. With a long history in the St. Louis woodworking community and a staff of expert woodworkers, you are sure to find the answers you need at St. Charles Hardwoods. From deciding on the right species of wood to use to working through more complicated joints, we are here to help.

In addition to custom wooden dowels, you will find all sorts of useful woodworking tools and accessories at our St. Lois area store. We even offer pre-cut woodworking jigs to help make any project that much easier.

Shop Our Custom Wooden Dowels in St. Louis

Whether you are looking for high-quality standard pieces or think you might need custom wooden dowels, come by or contact our hardwood lumber company at (636) 926-2000 today. We will help you find the right products to get your project done right, all with an eye to cost, ease, and quality. Woodworkers in St. Louis know to trust St. Charles Hardwoods, and our passion for woodworking shows through every time we interact with a new customer.